Saturday, December 15, 2012

VDM Trading E-book announced!

VDM Trading ebook cover image, art work
not final
If you have been following me for some time, you know this was going to happen sooner or later. My own trading e-book, and I'm very proud of it! I've been working on it for quite some time, it explains how to trade stocks for beginner- and intermediate traders. I've been reading a lot of literature when it comes to trading stocks: books from the library, the internet and ebooks. Most of the things I read were uninteresting or not very well explained. Or they were written by some kind of professor that mentioned so many complex systems and theories your head was spinning on page eight. I was always on the lookout for a book that was easy and fun to read, but also addressed the important points about how to make money in the stock market. So, I've decided to write my own book. I've never promoted an ebook before, so over the course of the next few weeks I'll be trying my hand at marketing my new stock trader ebook and building "buzz" for its launch, which will be 2-2-2013.

I really wanted to write this book to provide traders of all experience levels with a valuable resource. Even though it's mainly written for beginners or intermediate stock traders, more experienced traders will also find it informative and a great reference tool. The new ebook will include a variety of topics, including: stock basics, how stocks are traded, factors that impact the price of a stock, stock tables, how to research a stock, a detailed  explanation of how to buy stocks and sell stocks, fundamental analysis, finding out what kind of trader you are, broker picking tips, and advice on how to avoid common trading mistakes, just to name a few.

My new stock trading ebook was designed to provide traders with a detailed road map on how to get started in the world of stocks, and how to make the most of every trade. With so many stock ebooks on the market today, I decided that I was only going to write one and release it myself if I could do the topic justice and provide readers with new and/or valuable information that could really help. I think that I have achieved that with this book, and am excited about the prospect of sharing it with the public on February 2, 2013.

The VDM trading ebook will only be $2.99, as I wanted to keep it affordable for everyone, so that even those currenly on a tight budget could learn about how to trade stocks. To learn more about the ebook please visit the ebook section of the site. You can also reserve your ecopy today, and I will email it to you when it is released in February.

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All opinions expressed, trade recommendations/advice on this website are solely of John van der Munnik and are not affiliated with any investment firm or any other organization. You should not make an investment only based using this website VDM Trading for your trading needs without seeking help from your own financial advisor.