Thursday, June 13, 2013

VDM Trading Stock Trading Ebook Release Date Announced!

Booyah!! There's finally an official release date for my upcoming stock trading ebook; it's going to be on June 25th 2013 and will be available on all major ebook platforms such as Amazon Kindle etc. The last edits are being made and it's pretty much almost as good as done. It required a lot of high quality research, editing and formatting otherwise it would've been sooner. In fact I had an earlier release date in mind, but as the project was emerging I saw that this stock trading ebook had  a lot more potential, even more than I initially thought. It will count well over 12,000 words and is filled with lots of useful information about trading the stock market.

Unlike any other

This is unlike the others, you’ve probably heard that before but seriously; try to find something that is unbiased and has no endorsements or advertisements of certain brokers or other (automated) trading software etc, like most of the other ‘5 page PDF’s’ that I’ve come across during my research. I've been working on this ebook for quite some time and are really excited how it will be perceived since it's not anything other stock trading ebook out there, you know, the ones that will leave you more confused after you've read them. That happened a few times to me actually, but that’s another story. The problem with most educational references is that they don’t elaborate on the key points that you are actually interested in, and usually give you some sort of vague overview. Trading stocks is not as ‘mysterious’ as it is being portrayed in these books. You don’t have to be millionaire, and you can easily start trading with less than a hundred US dollars sometimes.
From start to finish: this stock trading ebook will explain everything you need to know regarding stocks. How you can use leverage to maximize profits and how you can conduct your research in order to find that stock that has the fullest potential. Are you a day, swing or long term trader, or is scalping perhaps more your thing? You will also find out how you can apply technical- as well as fundamental analysis, and how you can ‘play’ certain major economic events. I also included a little history section, just to make it totally complete!

Not boring!

A big problem with an educational stock trading ebook is that they usually tend to be very dry and boring. I’ve done enough research online and in the library to experience that first hand (there’s a reason why there was a layer of dust on most of those actual books). VDM Trading: Trading Stocks in Volatile Times is an ebook that’s colorfully written and explains clearly the different aspect that you need to know in order to become a (more successful) trader!

Knowledge is power! 

Which brings me to my next point. The more you know about it, the more chance you have to become a successful stock trader - someone that can make consistent profits, and ultimately; someone that can achieve financial independence. This is a stock trading ebook that has never been done before, and I’m really excited to show you the fascinating world of trading. Maybe it took some time to actually finish this, but believe me; it’s well worth the wait!


The ebook will sell for $5 (which already is a total bargain) but if you sign up for the newsletter you will receive a discount coupon code in your email inbox for 20% off which makes it $4!

See you at launch!


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All opinions expressed, trade recommendations/advice on this website are solely of John van der Munnik and are not affiliated with any investment firm or any other organization. You should not make an investment only based using this website VDM Trading for your trading needs without seeking help from your own financial advisor.