Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Get FREE Trading Alerts with the VDM Trading newsletter!

I do not always issue trading alerts on the site or on twitter, simply because I want to highlight and stay focused on educational posts and not only trading alerts. But did you know I issue FREE trading alerts via newsletters right here on the VDM Trading blog? That's right! My analysis and my trading recommendations straight in your inbox!

These trading alerts include:
  • Stocks
  • Options
  • Commodities
  • Forex
  • ETFs
These 'alerts' will give you BUY or SELL recommendations along with Entry, Stop Loss and Target prices. All trades are actual trades that involve my own personal portfolio. I will only issue trading alerts for equities that I think are worth mentioning. I outperform the S&P by almost 20% each year since I started trading in 2008.

* I hate spam as much as you do and will NEVER give out or sell your email address to third parties (Don't worry, I make enough money with trading :) VDM Trading News is only for the announcement of my stock trading e-book. Not more than 1 alert per week. You can unsubscribe from the VDM Trading newsletter at any time you like. Disclaimer on vdmtrading.com applies.

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All opinions expressed, trade recommendations/advice on this website are solely of John van der Munnik and are not affiliated with any investment firm or any other organization. You should not make an investment only based using this website VDM Trading for your trading needs without seeking help from your own financial advisor.