Sunday, April 7, 2013

VDM Trading e-book update and newsletter

For those who are wondering what the status is of the upcoming trading e-book: it's almost ready to go! At this moment the trading e-book counts well over 15,000 words - and I know, has been delayed for quite some time. This was due to the fact that I wanted to cover a lot of information, and that simply doesn't happen overnight. Also the formatting is much more advanced than your average e-book, it's complete with clickable hyperlinks in the index and also reference points that take you elsewhere in and outside the e-book. Stay tuned though, it's my first e-book that I've ever written and it took much longer than I initially thought.


You can now sign up for my free newsletter. In this newsletter I'll announce when the e-book becomes available. Not only that, I give free trading alerts through this newsletter as well. You can sign up for the newsletter (spam free, believe me - I hate spam just as much as you!) by either filling in your email address in the right sidebar (under mailing list), or by clicking the e-book link in the top and sign up for the VDM Trading newsletter.

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