Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Launched the VDM Trading mini blog

Sometimes I just want to post something I think is relevant regarding a trade or a news item etc, but don't want to devote a whole full blog post on it since I usually write blog posts that contain 500 words or more. I came up with the concept of a 'mini blog', for those that are interested following me every step of the way, and I think some are judging by the emails I receive :).

I happen to be pretty accurate with my analysis regarding the Forex markets and soon I'll be taking on stock picks and option trading. All very exciting stuff, but I can't devote my time writing blogs and put trading on the side. I did some research on the internet to see what would be the best way to create a 'mini blog'. Little snippets on what I am doing, I was looking kinda a mix between Twitter and Facebook, but not really, if you know what I mean :P, still with the ability to post 'tweets' but also pictures and video if I needed to.
I came across a service called Tumblr and was pretty impressed with their platform. So much that I decided to sign up for an account, making them the 'host' of my mini blog and that's pretty much what they are.
For those my readers that want to follow me every step of the way (to a certain limit of course :P) follow
blog.vdmtrading.com.. I still have to modify the 'skin' but a classy nightlife style pre made skin I found to be the best around for the moment. Ultimately I want to incorporate the layout of vdmtrading.com, but this will do for now. It serves its purpose and that's all I care about.

So go ahead and check me out at: http://blog.vdmtrading.com.

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